One-Click-Installs FAQ

  • Are all your one-click installs available for both Windows and Linux?

All of our one-click installs are available on Linux, and the vast majority are also available on Windows. If you’re not sure about the compatibility of the one-click installs you want to use, it’s safer to opt for Linux web hosting. Feel free to contact our support team for further information.

  • What are your data centres like and where are they based?

Our state-of-the-art data centres offer the latest security technologies and are manned 24/7, ensuring your data and websites are secure and monitored at all times. We have a resilient national network and an enterprise-level cloud platform, so you get the best possible hosting experience. Our data centres are based in Reading, UK and Dallas, USA.

  • What kind of support do you offer?

We have a comprehensive range of guides and tutorials in our support database. If you have any queries or issues with your hosting, simply contact our UK support team via your control panel, and we’ll help you out.

  • Which programming languages and frameworks can I use?

You can use whichever programming languages and frameworks you like. Please get in touch if you want to double-check if specific legacy versions are supported.

Last updated