Governance Process
Proposals are presented to the community, discussed and subjected to a Governance Survey (Snapshot) and Vote (Portal) as required.
Last updated
Proposals are presented to the community, discussed and subjected to a Governance Survey (Snapshot) and Vote (Portal) as required.
Last updated
Throughout the course of communication between BlueLotusDAO members, respect is encouraged, the exchange of impartial information and the information itself must be related exclusively to the system itself.
Any out-of-scope information will be subject to review by governance moderators, who have the right to veto an address if they deem it necessary.
Let's maintain and encourage to cultivate a healthy community and harvest quality knowledge.
In the interest of transparency, accountability, and consensus, we would like to structure a cohesive flow that assists with the transmission of governance proposals, temperature and consensus checks, and high traction proposals.
The first step in the proposal process is to present the proposal to the community through the governance forum. You must create a forum post to allow the community to discuss the details of a proposal.
Get in touch with the Genesys Network Discord admins to discuss your proposal on a community call and also on Twitter Space (optional). Upon completion of this discussion, the proposal will be activated.
The proposal will be in the spotlight on the Temperature Check to determine if there is enough power to change the status quo, so that if a proposal does not successfully pass this process, it is immediately suspended without being able to reactivate said proposal.
To vote, BLDT owners must "lock" the tokens by transferring them into the voting contract. Votes are weighted based on the amount of BLDT locked in the contract. The "locked" BLDT can be withdrawn at any time.
After the debate time, if the proposal successfully passes the Temperature Check, the Consensus Check proceeds. Its purpose is to establish a respectful, formal and knowledge-enriched discussion around a potential target.
After the analysis time, if the proposal successfully passes the Consensus Check, it proceeds to the Governance Proposal. This will be the final stage of the governance process. The new survey must only be based on the winning option of the Consensus Check and consists of a single action.
For security reasons, if the proposal is successfully approved, before executing the code it will go through an extra step called "security module" or "Timelock", this 2 day long stage is used to verify the new code for its subsequent implementation.