Proof of Authority
Proof of Authority (PoA) provides strong security against attacks with increased efficiency and tolerance to certain levels of hacked or malicious players. The POA protocol, on the other hand, is mostly criticized for not being as decentralized as PoW, since validators have all the authority and are prone to corruption and security attacks.
In GChain we are going to introduce a type of attached Proof of Stake (DPoS) to allow the network to not be controlled by the 33 BlueNodes Validators, through DPoS holders of the 467 Support Nodes will vote when any validator is corrupted and subsequently expelled from the network; with this GChain promotes decentralization and favors community governance. To combine DPoS and PoA for consensus, GChain largely inherits the following from the BSC consensus mechanism:
• Blocks are produced by a limited set of validators.
• Validators take turns producing blocks in the form of a PoA, similar to Ethereum's Clique consensus engine.
• A set of validators are chosen on and off based on the governance participation in GChain.
• Parlia's consensus engine interacts with a set of system contracts to achieve a health bar, revenue distribution, and validator set renewal function.
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