How to add Gchain to your wallet

Users can either add Gchain using metamask by simply go to our mainnet website: bottom page and click the metamask logo as appear here in the picture.

Or manually using our network information:

Network name: Genesys Mainnet

Network URL:

Chain ID: 16507

Currency symbol: GSYS

Block explorer URL:

Same process to add our testnet to your metamask:

Users can either add Gchain testnet using metamask by simply go to our testnet website: page and click the metamask logo as appear here in the picture.

Or manually using our network information:

Network name: Genesys Testnet

Network URL:

Chain ID: 42440

Currency symbol: GSYS

Block explorer URL:

please keep in mind that in order to interact with our testnet you need to claim testnet coins in our faucet using your wallet address and you can claim every 24 hours.

Last updated