Why GVA?
• The graphics will be much cleaner. Long time users of other competitors require an interface that is easy to appreciate, the user experience will almost immediately be liked and users will have a prime experience.
• Although at first it will only be available for the DeFi market in the future it is not restricted to any financial instrument that the user wants to trade. GenesysView APP will offer access to stocks, currencies, cryptos (cryptocurrencies), CFDs, futures, forex and more.
• The social aspect, one of our favorites. GenesysView APP will allow you to take a screenshot of your chart analysis and share your trading ideas by posting them both within the APP and directly to your social media. This allows you to build a reputation within the community and connect you with other traders with similar trading styles.
• GVA can act as a WEB3 financial wallet. Your profile will display a history of your previous trading analysis allowing other GVA users to see if your analysis performed as predicted. This can be very beneficial for those looking to pursue a career as a professional trader by showcasing the accuracy of your business analysis will definitely impress the entire crypto community.
• By having BlueLotusDAO as backup, GVA becomes the biggest advertising catalyst for projects listed in BLD, to achieve this acceptance it is easy to understand that currently our direct competitors don't offer free advertising and it is for a simple reason that they do not have any provider of liquidity that allows you to do that, in our case we have a DEX, offering an expansion program which makes BlueLotusDAO & GVA a perfect combination for new projects.
• GVA will be the only broadcast App that can use Genesys Blockchain which gives more exclusivity.
• GVA will also offer a LaunchPad.
Last updated